From Treccani an online course to learn how to tell culture on TikTok

From Treccani an online course to learn how to tell culture on TikTok


There is a fact, which we talked about some time ago on Italian.Tech, which tells very well the impact of TikTok on the world, not just on that of social networks. It’s a statistic collected by Atlas VPN, which says one simple thing: we spend 280 hours a year on the ByteDance platform, almost a full day a month.

It is a number that tells of an impact on digital communication, of course, but also on society, on small businesses, on people, on the way in which each of us accesses reality. And, in fact, more than anything else, TikTok is just that: an (algorithmic) gateway to the world. Even seemingly worlds away from a platform born on music and lip-syncing. Like that of culture: there is a hashtag, #learnwithTikTok, often used for educational videos, which in our country alone reaches 40 billion views.

How to use TikTok for dissemination: Treccani’s project with edulia

When a space with precise rules like TikTok becomes one of the ways in which so many people access the world, it is inevitable that skills will also change: to reach an ever-widening audience, it is necessary to know the language of the platform. It is from this reflection that “From 0 to ∞ – Digital pioneers of today and tomorrow” was born, a digital space, presented today in Rome, developed by edulia, Treccani’s e-learning platform, and TikTok. The goal is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to all those who want to use the app as a means of cultural, educational and social dissemination.

In short, the project aims to offer some of the tools to respond to requests for information and training on TikTok and does so through the testimonies and suggestions of those who have already known how to use the platform to tell about culture. In fact, the protagonists are the creators, holders of mini online courses made up of short video pills of culture to learn how to use TikTok for dissemination.

Among the characters selected, there are some of the profiles who first took the path of education on the platform. There are, in particular, Ilde Forgione for art and museums, Antonio Mascoli for cinema, Sebastiano Gravina (@videociecato) for inclusiveness, Andrea Petroni (@vologratis) for tourism, Federico Rognoni for communication, Megi Bulla (@ labibliotecadidaphne) and Valentina Ghetti for publishing, Sandro Marenco for teaching, Alessandro (@chimicazza) for chemistry, Francesco Di Costanzo, who manages the @pasocial account, for institutions.

“We need to make people understand – explained Francesco Di Costanzo, of Pa Social – the importance of these platforms for talking to citizens, for bringing them closer, for telling them in a different way what is done on a daily basis. Entertainment counts, videos count, creativity counts,

it is important to know how to interest the reference community. meanwhile, even for a public administration, the added value lies in intercepting segments of the population who may not, by impact, be interested in the contents of the PA but who could be if we don’t propose them in a different language, perhaps with music, in a more creative, different way from the institutional one”.

“Even culture must know how to do marketing – reiterated Ilde Forgione, who oversaw the landing on TikTok of the Uffizi -. He must therefore know how to sell himself and know how to be attractive to people he otherwise would not have attracted. Culture is also entertainment, it’s not just a duty, and marketing applied to the cultural field helps us discover something we don’t know and make it attractive through work on curiosity and personal interest”.

How does it work

The project “From 0 to ∞: Digital pioneers of today and tomorrow” is hosted by an ad hoc section within the edulia Masterclass platform. The contents are freely accessible by all without subscription both from desktop and mobile, subject to free registration. The interventions of the creators are also available in podcast mode, as well as usable through the Edulia app.

“Every day at TikTok we see people who find a space through our platform to promote knowledge and generate social impact in society: from teachers to museums, from local institutions to disabled people – said Giacomo Lev Mannheimer, Southern Europe Institutional Relations Manager of TikTok -. Treccani has always been an engine of democratization of knowledge, and shares with us the importance of opening up to new ways of creating culture without distorting it”.

“With this project created with TikTok – confirmed Cristina Pozzi, CEO of edulia – we want to make people reflect on the new languages ​​that accompany us in our everyday lives, personal and professional, present and future”.


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