Melons Fund. Pass the buck on nominations. Mef weakened. the government fears international conspiracies

Melons Fund.  Pass the buck on nominations.  Mef weakened.  the government fears international conspiracies


They fear the replacement of ‘race’ as markets challenge their new ‘race’ managers. International funds do not believe in at least two appointments from the Meloni government. They are skeptical of Paolo Scaroni, president of Enel, they are not fully convinced of Roberto Cingolani, CEO of Leonardo. A huge problem concerns the designated president of Terna. It is the Northern League Igor De Biasio and he has already communicated, informally, that he wants to combine three positions: Terna, Rai board of directors and CEO of Arexpo. There would be no incompatibility. The premier, in private, is furious with the League, which had engaged in a battle over Enel. The Economy Minister, Giorgetti, flew to America in recent days. Has the journey served him?

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