Flood, the CDM is underway: over 100 million allocated for the emergency

Flood, the CDM is underway: over 100 million allocated for the emergency


The Council of Ministers is getting underway and is preparing to allocate over 100 million euros for the emergency caused by the flood in Emilia Romagna. A package still being defined, starting with the coverage: as revealed by the Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo, the government is considering additional lotteries and the proceeds from cars seized from organized crime. These resources will be used to guarantee immediate relief, as anticipated by Giorgia Meloni during the inspection in some affected centers.

In phase 1 no commissioner appointment

And they will be accompanied by a series of measures to deal with phase 1, among which there is no appointment of a commissioner, the government assures. Phase 2 is already being thought of, but the measures related to refreshments will begin to take shape when the balance of the damages, which are already expected to be in the billions, will be clearer. For this reason, a request will in all probability be made – perhaps already in the next few hours – to access the European Solidarity Fund, as also happened for the earthquake that struck the same lands eleven years ago: 670 million in that case, compared with damages for 12 billion.

State of emergency extended

The state of emergency already planned for May 4 should be extended, after the bad weather episodes at the beginning of the month, with an initial allocation of 10 million. The number of municipalities involved should now exceed one hundred. For these areas, the suspension of tax and social security payments is looming, until October or November. There will also be a stoppage for administrative processes, while efforts will be made to ensure teaching continuity. We are also working on the refinancing of Fen, the national emergency fund. Among the hypotheses on the table, also that of layoffs in companies blocked by bad weather.

2.5 billion for phase 2

In view of phase 2, however, the Ministry of the Environment proposes, in a draft document, the allocation of 2.5 billion for 2024, 2025 and 2026, for the three-year intervention programs that the district basin authorities must adopt by 30 June. To date, it is underlined, the 7 river basin districts have only made urgent annual plans, because the three-year ones were not financed. And this, the technicians note, is “a vulnerability of the hydrogeological risk mitigation policy”. A proposal that however does not seem destined to have – at the moment – a follow-up in operational measures


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