Fedriga’s triumph exalts Salvini, who tries to look down on Meloni. The challenge to the right

Fedriga's triumph exalts Salvini, who tries to look down on Meloni.  The challenge to the right


The League ahead of FdI in Friuli, and it’s news. The president’s list draws everywhere, and the head of the Carroccio annexes it. Sovereign performance anxiety, sure. But also the sense of competition between the prime minister and her deputy. On the left, almost nothing

It ends like this: that his worst friend, who is also the favorite of her opponents, messes up both of their plans. And he, that is Salvini, can therefore regain his boldness thanks to the only one who perhaps, within the League, had really thought of killing him. And she, that is Meloni, who has cultivated good strategic neighborly relations with “Max” for so long, now finds herself perhaps having to blame him for FdI’s first setback.

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