Ethics is an improper weapon to catch ChatGPT out

Ethics is an improper weapon to catch ChatGPT out


The philosopher of language and mind Noam Chomsky on the New York Times of March 8 examines the very latest and amazing version of artificial intelligence (AI) that circulates under the name of ChatGPT and that is talked about so much. With the collaboration of other scholars, it also does so by dialoguing with the AI. To make it easier for the reader to understand the scope, even socio-political, of the topic, I report the article in the form of an intellectual match between Chomsky and ChatGPT. Chomsky starts the match by declaring the cognitive inferiority of even the new ChatGPT version of the AI. Artificial intelligences – he argues – are statistical machines: “They take huge amounts of data, look for patterns in them and become increasingly adept at generating statistically probable results, such as apparently human language and thought”.

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