Does the technology need to be controlled? Strengths and limitations of Acemoglu’s book (which will cause discussion).

Does the technology need to be controlled?  Strengths and limitations of Acemoglu's book (which will cause discussion).


Published by Basic Books, Power and Progress – our thousand-year struggle over technology and prosperity is the latest essay by Daron Acemoglu And Simon Johnson, professors of economics and entrepreneurship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a text which, we can foresee, will certainly have an impact on the political debate in the coming years. This is because Acemoglu is one of the best known and most quoted economists in the world, co-author of highly influential essays, such as “Why Nations Fail” (Il Saggiatore), in which the wealth and poverty of the different states are mainly made to depend on the quality of their respective economic and political institutions. The new power and progress deals with the impact that technological revolutions have on society, and how innovations can and should be controlled, to prevent economic and social benefits from favoring the few at the expense of the many.

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