Digital nomads: must-have gadgets for hi-tech travel

Digital nomads: must-have gadgets for hi-tech travel


This is the third in a series of articles on gadgets for the year that is about to end. Our selection of 90 + 1 objects to remember from this 2022 will also be distributed in a special album free on newsstands on December 15th with Repubblica, La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX.

It’s true, “Whoever wants to travel happy must travel light”. Antoine de Saint-Exupery knew about these things: he was very rich and in his travels he could have brought everything with him. But the legendary author of The Little Prince was also an aviator who during the Second World War sailed the skies on multiple reconnaissance missions between Sardinia and Corsica. And he had understood – even before “Less is more” became a mantra in the world of architecture and that “Think different” became a law in the world of technology – that revolutions are made by breaking the mold. Even when it comes to travel.

Today it seems difficult to understand, but the “pattern” for the rich in the thirties and forties was to travel with huge trunks, the very symbol of the Art de vivre on which Louis Vuitton built his fortune with his immense wardrobe-suitcases (by the way, his “Malle Haute 1100” has survived to this day, costs 46,500 euros and is still used by the most snobbish).

Times change but the theme of “carrying something along” on trips is always central. And for this reason, in the selection of the so-called objects “that you can’t do without”, we offer in these pages a small selection of things that make the difference, to transform even a simple trip out of town into a small and pleasant adventure. It goes from Panasonic multishape razor through binoculars Newell, passing through the powerful charger Anker or for the Osprey Transporter Pack backpack. And for those who, even on holiday, cannot help but work a little (or, hopefully, even just write to friends…) we offer the Logitech MX Mechanical Mini keyboard. It is wireless, illuminated, very silent so as not to disturb anyone and with a charge it works for fifteen days.

And then, as we know, many gadgets can be the protagonists of the journey. Even means of transport. As we said before, things that make the difference.

So here it is Nilox underwater scooter which thanks to the low weight of 3.5 kilograms can also be taken on the plane as hand luggage. But here it is too BMW electric scooterthe e-bike Haibike AllMtn 2 or the DragonFly Hyperscooter with 4 wheels.

All things to always use with maximum safety. And for this, in the end, we recommend one of the Italian helmets Nolan or the ultra-technological one Forcite MK1Sdeveloped by the Australian company Forcite Helmets.


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