Dense flambé on the Pnrr, but Schlein deals with taxation (and Facci)

Dense flambé on the Pnrr, but Schlein deals with taxation (and Facci)


The out-of-sync life of the secretary of the Democratic Party. There are problems with Europe, inflation at 6 per cent (in Spain it is at 3), a migrant emergency, the slowdown in industrial production, but the government is attacked by the Democratic Party on fiscal delegation and Filippo Facci

We must definitely admit that the neo-Marxist thinkers are right when they explain that we are still a society divided into states. In fact, there is no doubt that here, at least in politics, the state of drunkenness has supremacy. Yesterday afternoon, to say, just as the government wrapped itself in the shroud of the Pnrr, in the exact minutes in which Minister Raffaele Fitto certified a dramatic delay in the implementation of the plan for which Europe perhaps won’t shell out the money, you know what he did the leader of the opposition? She was on the sentry box nailing the right, you will say. Stabbed Lease on the post of administrative inefficiency, you’re ready to bet. But no. Ella, actually Elly, that is Schlein, was sitting in a small hall of Montecitorio, a few meters from the building where in the meantime Fitto was setting himself on fire, and motionless, a living symbol of his party, he spoke of… fiscal delegation. Strong stuff. Something that, if anything, will be done is scheduled for next year. Perhaps. But also not. Maybe. So that Schlein’s idea, in the end, is always associated with the voice of the loudspeakers in the stations: “Attention, attention. Elly Schlein, from Bologna, travels a year late”.

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