Lease clears the “indicative” delays on the Pnrr. But there is great difficulty on the fourth installment

Lease clears the "indicative" delays on the Pnrr.  But there is great difficulty on the fourth installment


He is the minister of the near future, and even remotely if needed. “We will see, we will do, we will compare”. In short, for Raffaele Fitto the Pnrr is a bit of a hypothesis. Even missed deadlines, that is the only element of concreteness in the middle of a methodical flight into vagueness, should be taken in this way, casually, as “merely indicative terms”. To which Enzo Amendola, from the Democratic Party, makes irony: “After the Gregorian and Roman calendars, the government clears customs for the indicative calendar”. Fitto, however, remains very serious. Even when he invites those who press him to show “there are no delays”, and he does so on the day in which he certifies the delay with which the government moves on the fourth installment. Not to mention the third, on which the minister’s certainties are refuted by none other than Alfredo Mantovano.

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