Pd against the tax delegation. “But she is in line with the Draghi one,” says Marattin

Pd against the tax delegation.  “But she is in line with the Draghi one,” says Marattin


“I don’t know exactly what text Schlein read,” says the deputy of Italia viva, commenting on the criticisms of the dem secretary of the reform. “It doesn’t dismantle anything and it doesn’t diminish progressivity”

For Elly Schlein the fiscal delegation to the government that the majority is preparing to vote in the first reading in the Chamber of Deputies it is “unfair”, even capable of “making the services and public goods essential for citizens disappear, from healthcare to education”. In short, the worst of the worst. The dem secretary has listed all the evils of the measure whose amendments were voted on yesterday in the Chamber during a press conference in Montecitorio. With her were the former mayor of Bologna and deputy dem Virginio Merola and the Labor and Economy managers of her secretariat, Maria Cecilia Guerra and Antonio Misiani, who confirmed the opinion of the secretary: the delegation sucks. “Nevertheless, it is a provision entirely in line with the work also done by the Democratic Party in the last legislature and with the reform Dragonsas also admitted several times by Deputy Minister Leo “, Luigi Marattin tells Il Foglio, deputy of Italia viva and president during the last legislature of the Finance commission of Montecitorio.

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