Confiscations and fines to NGOs: Meloni dusts off the security decrees

Confiscations and fines to NGOs: Meloni dusts off the security decrees


The safety decrees of Salvinian memory are back. Giorgia Meloni announces at a press conference “New measures” on immigration. There are no drafts, no upcoming initiatives. But the orientation of Palazzo Chigi, in concert with the Viminale, is to reintroduce the confiscation of ships and millionaire fines for NGOs. The two rules were canceled by the red-yellow government in October 2020. Meloni intends to propose them again. Administrative management will be entrusted to the prefects, as in the past. Minister Matteo Piantedosi was alerted, even though the legislative office machine has not yet been turned on. This is the first internal reaction, then there is the external one: the crisis with Paris.

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