Could AI be driving digital payments crazy? I had to buy gold right away

Could AI be driving digital payments crazy?  I had to buy gold right away


Geoffrey Hinton’s predictions prove those who hasten to buy gold coins right. And if not even Gentiloni can reassure us about the future, we just have to buy 22-carat pounds directly

Cerasa is wasting my precious time. Asking me a piece about Geoffrey Hinton, one of the inventors of artificial intelligence who resigned from Google to express himself freely on artificial intelligence (“It’s scary”), prevents me from rushing to buy gold coins. It’s also my fault that I’m slow. Much slower than the latest models of artificial intelligence, and even the penultimate ones. I had to run already when I learned that Sam Altman, head of ChatGPT, had filled his Big Sur mansion with weapons, supplies, medicines and gold, not credit cards or even paper money. Demonstrating confidence in the tastes of Henry Miller and Jack Kerouac, the writers who retired to write in that place overlooking the ocean many years ago, and distrust of PayPal, the digital payment method developed by his partner Peter Thiel, as well as than any other digital payment method.

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