Catholics in search of an author without Berlusconi anymore

Catholics in search of an author without Berlusconi anymore


The Lord’s Anointed, that’s what they called him. But now that the Cav. it’s gone, what home will the moderates and veterans of the former DC find? Many are happy with the Meloni option, far from a new Christian party

Now that he has left the scene passing through the great door of the Milan cathedral, blessed by a magnificent homily that has reconciled him with a vision of Christian humanism, in defiance of the haggard adult Catholics who would not even have incensed the body; now that he has received on the world stage a salute as almost a monarch, in defiance of the last Mohicans who would like his legacy to be dispersed as it was for the ashes of the Sun King. Now that everything is over, Silvio Berlusconi has paradoxically returned to embody, through his absence, that almost religious role, that semblance of a thaumaturge king that a visionary theologian, but also a refined political thinker, such as Don Gianni Baget Bozzo, predicted for him: the Lord’s Anointed. For a part of the Catholic world that followed him, Berlusconi was more than a political leader, he was a providential symbol capable of guaranteeing the freedom of the country “that he loved”.

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