Brindisi returns to the right: Marchionna wins, knocking out the yellow-red axis of Emiliano and Conte

Brindisi returns to the right: Marchionna wins, knocking out the yellow-red axis of Emiliano and Conte


In the center-right about 54 percent of the votes. The winners of the match, together with the new mayor Marchionna, are Mauro D’Attis, coordinator of FI in Puglia and new vice-president of the anti-mafia commission, and Marcello Gemmato, undersecretary and leader of the Melonians in the region. On the left, the anti-industrialist profile of the grillino candidate weighed

The centre-right conquers another provincial capital in the Emilian emirate: Brindisi returns to the conservatives thanks to the victory in the ballot of Pino Marchionna (with about 54 percent of the votes), former mayor in the nineties, of socialist extraction. The ballot sanctions the heavy defeat of the yellow-red axis blessed in the Salento city by the agreement between Michele Emiliano and Giuseppe Conte: the dems have left the field free for the candidate for mayor, expression of the grillini Roberto Fuscoa lawyer active in the campaigns against the British gas regasification plant.

His critical profile towards industrialism weighed in the final calculation, together with the lack of agreement with the list of the outgoing mayor, Riccardo Rossi, an expression of the radical left, supported in the first round by Vendoliani and Verdi (the agreement fell through due to the refusal of dem and 5S in front of the proposal of an appearance in the light of the sun). Marchionna has been strongly supported in this electoral campaign by Forza Italiawhich brought the ministers Zangrillo, Pichetto Fratin and Tajani to the city, and above all by the Brothers of Italy, who under the direction of the undersecretary Marcellus Gemmato (Melonian doc) has promoted meetings with important government officials such as Sangiuliano, Crosetto and Lollobrigida. Minister Raffaele Fitto was only seen in the city on the last day of the electoral campaign, who – in the negotiation phase within the coalition – would have preferred the candidacy for mayor of the young moderate Pietro Guadalupi.

The new mayor of the right-wing coalition, as he said Mauro D’Attis, is recognized as the first citizen who on 7 March 1991 welcomed almost thirty thousand Albanian refugees. The left has embroidered on Marchionna’s propensity for solidarity, forgetting that those who landed in Puglia did so to escape from one of the worst forms of communism in the Balkans. The centre-right coalition here was also able to count on the contribution of the moderates of the Republican Party and Action.

In the other relevant comparison in Puglia, a Biscegliewhere coalitions faced candidates with civic and at the same time chameleonic profiles, the outgoing mayor won Angelantonio Angaranosupported both by Forza Italia and by the candidate for mayor of the Pd, defeated in the first round, Vittorio Fata (thanks to a pact sealed in the presence of the emir Emiliano).


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