Bill Gates’ mugshot taken 45 years ago

Bill Gates' mugshot taken 45 years ago


Throughout his life Bill Gates has been arrested twice. Both while he was behind the wheel of a car.

In the 1975in his 20s, Gates was pulled over for driving without a license and breaking speed limits.

The December 13, 1977however, the future co-founder of Microsoft he ended up in a cell because he wouldn’t stop at a stop sign. And when he was met by the police, it turned out that this time too he was without a driving license.

The arrest of 1977 is the one of which we have irrefutable proof. It’s been around for a while, online, the portrait of a young Gates, with thick blonde hair, smiling in the mugshot of the time. Around his neck is a plaque on which the date of the shot and the place are written: Albuquerque, New Mexico, the city where just two years earlier the boy had founded – together with his childhood friend Paul Allen -Microsoft.

Ironically, the first company Gates and Allen created – when they were 17 and 19 respectively – was called Traf-o-Data and it had to do with cars: their company monitored, in fact, traffic in the state of Washington.

That boy in the 1977 mugshot will become, thanks to Microsoft, one of the richest and most influential men on the planet.

Indeed, Bill Gates entered the list of the wealthiest people, according to Forbes, already in 1987. And from 1955 to 2017, with the exception of the 2010-2013 parenthesis, he was the richest man in the worldor.


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