Between the NGO and the Delmastro case. How much Meloni’s two crises weigh on his first trip to Berlin

Between the NGO and the Delmastro case.  How much Meloni's two crises weigh on his first trip to Berlin


It is the “Checkpoint Giorgia”. Meloni lands in Berlin, before a quick stop in Stockholm, pursued by the hubbub unleashed by the Donzelli&Delmastro duo. A matter that is not yet closed, as the premier knows very well. There is an ongoing investigation by the Rome prosecutor’s office into theDap information released from the email of the Undersecretary of Justice of FdI and ended up among the notes read in the Chamber by the coordinator of the Melonian party. And then there are the House grand jury that will have to express itself on Donzelli’s accusations against the Pd and the internal investigation initiated by Charles Nordio, the Keeper of the Seals who was the first to not consider the case closed. A climate of tension that the other evening prompted Meloni to call live on “Stasera Italia”, the Rete 4 broadcast hosted by Barbara Palombelli.

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