Barbara Floridia (M5s) elected president of the Rai Supervisory Commission

Barbara Floridia (M5s) elected president of the Rai Supervisory Commission


As per the predictions, the pentastellata Barbara Floridia was elected at the helm of Rai Supervision (39 votes in favor out of 42 present) with the votes of Pd and Third pole. With her election, Floridia will have to leave the role of president of the pentastellati senators. In pole position to replace her is Alessandra Maiorino, current deputy group leader, and former minister Stefano Patuanelli.

The beginnings as an Italian teacher

Sicilian, born in 1977 and with a degree in Modern Literature from the University of Messina, Floridia, now a loyal follower of Giuseppe Conte, before entering politics by profession she was a teacher of Italian. «It was not a stopgap», she writes on her bio published on her website. Her passion for teaching takes her around Italy: Rome, then Bologna and Vicenza. “To take office as soon as possible, I emigrated to the North – she writes – where, although they say, as a Southerner I had a great time”.

The battle against Renzi’s “Good school”.

The adventure in politics begins through meetups. She enrolled in that of Venetico (Messina), her country of origin for which in 2012 she decided to run as a candidate in the municipal elections with the civic list “Cambiare Venetico”. No way. She will try again as an aspiring mayor in 2017 supported by the M5S. But she loses again this time despite the fact that important exponents such as Alessandro Di Battista, Giancarlo Cancelleri and Ignazio Corrao are spent on her, and despite the notoriety gained through a protest video, published a few months earlier, against the Good School wanted by the Renzi government.

Senator and then undersecretary at the Ministry of Education

In 2018 she was a candidate in the political elections. This time she is elected to the Senate from the ranks of the M5S. She joined the Education commission and in 2019 was elected deputy group leader. However, the qualitative leap comes in 2021, when she, with the Draghi government, is appointed undersecretary of education. You position that you will hold until the end of the government. In this role, for the Ministry of Education, you are responsible for devising School Regeneration, the plan for the ecological and cultural transition of schools, useful for reinforcing the teaching of civic education; she also defends the citizen’s income, arguing that “it is not only a very valid barrier to poverty, but also a tool for removing unskilled workers from the mafia and crime”.

Candidate for primary Presidency of the Sicilian Region

In the meantime, she is ever closer to Conte who writes her the preface for the essay “A new map for Italy” and indicates her as a candidate in the primaries to choose who will lead the yellow and red coalition in the Regionals in Sicily. But she comes second behind Caterina Chinnici of the Democratic Party (PD). Subsequently, however, the 5 Star Movement dissociates itself from the centre-left coalition, thanks to the national split between the M5S and the PD, deciding to run alone in support of Nuccio Di Paola, regional spokesman of the M5S and deputy of the Ars .


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