“Away from the Movement whoever is with Dibba”, says Paola Taverna

“Away from the Movement whoever is with Dibba”, says Paola Taverna


“Anyone who is a member of the Dibba association cannot be part of the territorial groups of the M5s”. Words and music by Paula Tavern, vice president of the M5s, who the other day, this is the sense, warned collaborators and elected officials from Rome and Lazio. The “cultural” association of Alessandro Di Battista, the great ex born with a suitcase so much that he is now in South America, is called “Schierarsi”. And he is to the Movement as Arci could be to the Democratic Party. In short, on paper the two things could coexist. Except that Dibba is very close friends with Virginia Raggi and the “song” of Taverna has already been valid for some time precisely for the so-called Raggiani: they must be marked on sight and chased away at the first opportunity. So, for the transitive property, the thing now also applies to the friends of Alessandro Di Battista. On the other hand, the climate that reigns in the Movement, especially after the last defeat at the regionals, is not the best.

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