Zaia: “Berlusconi a brilliant and likeable man”. Sgarbi: “At the European elections, a new symbol to bring together the moderates like Macron”

Zaia: "Berlusconi a brilliant and likeable man".  Sgarbi: "At the European elections, a new symbol to bring together the moderates like Macron"


Before entering the cathedral there are many faces from the world of politics and entertainment who meet in Piazza del Duomo in Milan to be able to participate in the ceremony for the state funeral of Silvio Berlusconi. The governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia stops to talk to the press recalling the figure of the former president of Forza Italia: «We are here to celebrate an important figure for Italy, I hope that Berlusconi’s own will can also continue with the ‘unity of purpose that is characterizing the government at the moment – he explains – I understand that there are people who legitimately think differently from Berlusconi but I have seen passages that are out of place because when a person who has also played an important role for the country disappears, respect is needed . The barbarities we have seen in recent days distinguish a profound malaise in the country”. The president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia did not want to talk about politics but only remember Berlusconi: “he was a brilliant, generous person, absolutely of a unique creativity, I remember him from the council of ministers, we continued to maintain relations”.


There are also centre-left governors in Piazza Duomo: «I am here as president of Puglia but I would have no problems being there as an ordinary citizen» explains the governor Michele Emiliano, who adds: «In my institutional history, despite being opponents, I only had support from him and understanding”. On the controversy over national mourning, Emiliano explains: «I think there was national mourning, I don’t regret it at all. Berlusconi has played a historic role for better or for worse».


The undersecretary for culture Vittorio Sgarbi also talks about the future of Forza Italia: «I recommend that in the European elections they present themselves with another symbol, with a new force that has the ability to hold together many of the centrist areas, a sort of Italian macronism, which is a balance between left and right.”


Also in Piazza Duomo the television presenter Gerry Scotti: «Berlusconi has had many opponents, some enemies but the warmth of the people could erase all enemies. People addressed me as if I were a spokesperson “Tell the family they will be missed” , they said to me when I was passing on the street now. I assumed this kind of affection but it made me feel as if I touched it with my hand”. Even the presenter Alba Parietti recalls Silvio Berlusconi: “I have to say thank you to him for listening to me when I needed” and on the controversy over national mourning she adds: “You can’t tell a country what to feel”.


Broken voice for Massimo Boldi who before entering the cathedral says he is at the funeral “to remember a friend I lost, we spent more than forty years together”.


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