Young people and work: merit, career and solidarity are the values ​​that count more than a permanent job

Young people and work: merit, career and solidarity are the values ​​that count more than a permanent job


The job is there, but the candidates cannot be found. Why?

The latest data, only the most recent, comes from the Veneto region: between January and March 2023 – but perhaps it would be more correct to say – 134,000 new hires are expected (10,000 more than in the same period of 2022), a third of which are aimed at young people under 29. But one position out of 2 risks remaining vacant because the professional figures that companies are looking for cannot be found. Starting from graduates of any discipline, from economists to engineers via computer scientists, mathematicians and medical-health personnel.

it is clear that there is a mismatch of skills, that school and training in the broad sense are unable to satisfy the needs of production in the right time, but can we stop at this consideration? Isn’t there something more complex to understand? In addition to the “objective” lack of the necessary professional figures, isn’t there also a lack of “subjectivity”? A change in the conceptions of work that crosses the youth world and that must first of all be analyzed and studied?

A very recent survey promoted by Federmeccanica gives an affirmative answer and breaks a taboo in the field of the business system and created by Daniele Marini of Community Research Analysis on the representations of Italian work (here all the research data). The sociologist worked on a sample of 1,200 people belonging to the entire Italian population aged 18 and over and reached some conclusions that will cause discussion in Confindustria circles.

– Read also:
Work, are you meritocratic or supportive? How young people see the world of professions (and obsolete industry)


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