Superbonus, the table at Palazzo Chigi with companies. The government opens to clearing via F24 with the banks

Superbonus, the table at Palazzo Chigi with companies.  The government opens to clearing via F24 with the banks


MILAN – Clarification between the government and the business world after the sudden stop by the executive of credit transfer and invoice discount for new jobs. In the eagerly awaited meeting that took place today at Palazzo Chigi, the companies asked above all for an intervention to dispose of the mass of credits that remained stranded, in the belly of companies (or individual citizens) and now without buyers.

An amount that the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti he quantified the 19 billion in face-to-face with companies. On this point there would have been an opening on the part of the government to the use of compensation with the banks through the F24 while the intention of the executive would be to set up, in all probability at the MEF, a technical table to which the representatives of the interested categories to technically deal with the problem of non-performing loans.

Reeds: “Reasoned on the discount on the invoice for low ranges”

“We are satisfied, we have found openness and great awareness on the part of the government that previous credits must be released, therefore an opening to the F24 which was our proposal and that of Abi, and an immediate table for the future. The Government is aware that measures must be taken quickly”, said the president of ANCE, Federica Brancaccio, at the end of the meeting with the government. We reasoned on the possibility of possibly allowing the discount on the invoice for some income brackets and for the incompetent”: said the president of Ance, Federica Brancaccio, at the end of the meeting with the government. It was also done “right a hint of the possible availability of Cdp”, he added. Ance also asked for “an opening on the part of the investees to buy past credits”.

Giorgetti: “The bubble needs to be deflated”

“The solution we are looking for is on the entire amount of credits, 110 billion euros. The urgency now is on the stock of credits which, according to the revenue agency’s surveys, refer to companies in the building sector, which have the existence to date of around 19 billion in ‘problem’ loans”, said Giorgetti instead. “The effort we are making today and in the next few days with the technical tables is how to deflate this bubble”, he added

Few glimmers instead of the government meeting with ABI, Sace and Cdp which took place before the meeting with the companies. The government – reports AGI from sources present at the meeting with businesses – would have evaluated the CDP and Sace intervention but “this type of hypothesis to be put in place requires months and the elaboration of complex instruments from a financial point of view”: for this reason “is not feasible” for the associations of construction companies “to resolve the emergency immediately”.

Cilas, compensated credits and invoice discount: minimum dictionary to understand the Superbonus

by the Economics editorial staff


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