Work, raise wages and participation

Work, raise wages and participation


Thirty years have passed since the agreement of 23 July 1993: in the words of Gino Giugni, Minister of Labor at the time, a true “Constitution of industrial relations”
in which all parties committed to each other on incomes, economic and social policy objectives.

The “Tarantelli Protocol” – as it was rightly called in honor of the great economist who theorized it by paying for his foresight with his life – showed how the rules of a structured “conciliation” could effectively determine the country’s economic dynamics.

Strongly desired by the Cisl, led by Sergio D’Antoni, that “pact” guaranteed a long period of constructive dialogue that saved Italy from bankruptcy, relaunched the real purchasing power of wages and pensions, allowed reforms and Italy’s entry into the single European currency.

At the end of the 90s, the end of the structured dialogue between the government, trade unions and businesses, the advance of political disintermediation and a loud and irresponsible conflict between parties, consigned the country to decline and populism, interrupting that road map and leaving the social dialectic of change to be expressed only by lobbies.

Unfortunately, the results are there for all to see: slowdown in economic growth, innovation, low incomes and wages, increasing inequalities, stagnating productivity and redistribution, denied infrastructures and reforms. Exactly three decades since then, we must once again make the lesson of that historic agreement our own, focusing energies on different objectives, starting with incomes policy. Then it was necessary to cool the heat of the price-wage spiral. Today the goal is different, in some ways opposite: we need to break an inflationary spiral “
from supply”, linked to the spread of the high cost of living in essential goods and energy.


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