Work, how the online curriculum changes: 5 practical tips to bring out your profile

Work, how the online curriculum changes: 5 practical tips to bring out your profile


Writing a CV is an art, in which the ability to immediately highlight the professional characteristics that best represent us counts. Both when responding to a job offer, and above all when deciding to post your CV online, thus seizing the opportunity to always be traceable by companies that prefer to proactively search for the right people based on key characteristics for them. But what are the focal points that more than others intercept the attention of the recruiters? How does a company look for its talent among all those registered on the online platform? To answer these questions, InfoJobs, the leading platform in Italy for online job searches, has decided to analyze the behavior of over 5,000 companies active on the platform, of which in the first quarter of 2023, almost 3,500 looked for a talent on the job board. An increase of +14% compared to the same period of 2022, which, combined with the over 800,000 searches carried out on the platform, confirms the usefulness and effectiveness of online tools for dialogue between companies and candidates. So how does the search for the perfect candidate begin and what are the essential information to include in a resume to overcome the ‘background noise’ and ensure that the possibility of accessing an interview materialises? Here is the top 5 of the main elements observed by companies active on InfoJobs.

1. Province: despite the growth of hybrid work, valid for many professions, but not for all, the geographical location is still fundamental today. Companies start right from the candidate’s proximity to the company headquarters to look for their talent to be included in the workforce. The data is also used by companies to understand the willingness to work in the provinces adjacent to the candidate’s domicile or to better manage their resources in the area and evaluate any transfers or opportunities in branches.

2. Age: the second focus element of research by companies is age, which is not a barrier. On InfoJobs, in full compliance with Italian law, companies mainly select the broad range from 18 to 66 years old. Every age brings with it characteristics to be valued, from the experience of those who have many years of profession behind them, to those who are entering the world of work for the first time. The suggestion is to never let the passage of time discourage you, each resource is primarily a person and as long as it is sustainable you can always try to find a new job opportunity.

3. Profession: once the boundaries have been established in terms of geography and age, companies continue in the search for talent by looking at professions. To do this, they use keywords that identify the specific profession, this is the top 10: 1. Worker; 2. Electrician; 3. Accountant; 4. Warehouse worker; 5. Commercial; 6. Mechanical; 7. Welder; 8. Agent; 9. Cleaner; 10. Maintainer. Therefore, indicating roles and professions well helps to be found by the company, the suggestion is to also use synonyms of the classic professions, we all know by now that, for example, ‘clerk’ can have different names, such as sales assistant or employee /to sales.

4. Professional category: perhaps when thinking of several professions or in general of a new role to be included in a particular branch, the company aims to observe the professional category of origin of the candidate, based above all on the latest professional experiences or aspirations included in the CV. This is the top 5 of the professional categories where most of the searches are concentrated: 1. Workers, Production, Quality; 2. Administration, Accounting, Secretariat; 3. Construction, Real Estate; 4. Sales; 5. Public Administration; 6. Graphic Arts, Design; 7. Engineering; 8. Informatics, IT and Telecommunications; 9. Purchasing, logistics, warehouse; 10. Finance, banks and credit. Although outside the top 10, the following categories are highly sought after: Commerce, Large-Scale Distribution, Retail (11th place) and Tourism and Catering (13th place).

5.Degree: last but not least, it is the study area that intrigues the company. In fact, companies pay attention to this section to immediately understand the margins for professional growth within the company and which role may be of most interest to the candidate in question.

The skills acquired in years of study can find correspondence in job duties and/or support and encourage training in a specific field. Never underestimate them! Here are the top 5, in order of interest for companies that have turned to the InfoJobs platform to look for a candidate in the first quarter of 2023: 1. IT; 2. Management Engineering; 3. Business Economics; 4. Electronic Engineering; 5. Telecommunications Engineering.


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