“With the minimum wage by law, undeclared work increases”. Speak Slash

"With the minimum wage by law, undeclared work increases".  Speak Slash


The CISL secretary reaffirms his position: “The wage authority must remain with free industrial relations, it cannot be entrusted to politics”. And 30 years after the protocols, Ciampi makes a proposal to Meloni: “Let’s start again from that agreement and renew the collective agreements against the cost of living”

“If the minimum wage is made with contracts, the Cisl says yes. It is needed, and even immediately, but setting a minimum quota directly by law only leads to an explosion of the undeclared in the poor working class and, in the middle class, to a downward pressure on wage dynamicswith the exit from the application of the contracts of many companies”. Cisl secretary Luigi Sbarra hasn’t changed his mind: he doesn’t like the legal minimum wage. Yet it is the magic formula of the oppositions. He joined Elly Schlien, Giuseppe Conte and even Carlo Calenda.

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