Why the EU’s protectionist response to American protectionism is dangerous

Why the EU's protectionist response to American protectionism is dangerous


Xi Jinping sends balloons to spy on what is happening in America. The Financial Times wonders about the “enigmatic economy” that created another half a million jobs last month. The unemployment rate is now at its lowest point in 53 years. For the Economist, the Biden plan is “ambitious, confused and selfish”, yet it can save the planet. The EU complains and struggles: block the Stars and Stripes locomotive or jump on it? The Germans and French intend to climb it by themselves, ticking the same conditions as Canadians and Mexicans. Italians torment themselves with the wish, but I can’t. On Thursday and Friday, the extraordinary Council of the EU will have to discuss how to respond: put in place a parallel and equivalent plan or free everyone?

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