we risk the social fire. And Schlein follows him – Corriere.it

we risk the social fire.  And Schlein follows him - Corriere.it


Of Emanuele Buzzi

Minimum wage, the annoyance of the PD reformists for the words of the M5S leader. The sparks between Uil and Cisl

«We have a reactionary and restoration government. Add fuel to the fire. He is consciously planning a social fire.” The executive is targeted by the M5S president Giuseppe Conte. The starred leader, speaking at the conference «Inflation and wages: which policies?», does not use half measures: «Internally they have a vision: social Darwinism. They said: “We want to allow those who want to do to do”. But if one has nothing to eat, what can he do? One can only despair.” Touching on the theme of the minimum wage, the M5S leader – who should return to defend the Superbonus 110% today at the presentation of a book – explained that «we did a serious job, we did not rely on impromptu statements. Has Calenda also been added? Welcome.” The leader of Azione, for his part, plays the role of mediator between the majority and the opposition: «I am against making the minimum wage a new chapter in the eternal Italian ideological clash. Let’s meet and talk.”

For once, however, the centre-left is united. At the same conference, (and it is no coincidence) Elly Schlein was also present, who equally stinged the executive: «He is the champion of referrals and unloads the barrel. In its first manoeuvre, the government canceled 330 million of the rent fund and dismantled the only support instrument against poverty». The dem leader – who will meet the secretariat in Ventotene today – then spurs on: “It cannot be taboo to talk about taxation on annuities”. The reformist wing of the Democratic Party – given the dramatic situation in France – turns up its nose at Conte’s words, while Schlein underlines the “significant convergence” of the center-left on the issues of the minimum wage. Fratelli d’Italia returns the charges to the sender. The group leader in the Chamber, Tommaso Foti, speaking of the proposal on the minimum wage cut short: «Pd, Cinque Stelle and Italia viva, in government for almost two years, have carefully avoided approving it. Today, however, the secretary of the Democratic Party – for reasons of electoral competition with the Five Stars – confuses the minimum wage with the right salary”. And he concludes by speaking of “patrimonial” regarding the ideas of the leader of the Democratic Party.

But while the opposition tries to build a wall and receives the neutrality of Confindustria, which will not veto the minimum wage, the unions split. The Uil secretary, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, denounced the spread of “underpaid work and pirated contracts, also signed by yellow unions that the government often calls to the table and who dialogue very well with Sbarra”. The reply of the secretary of the CISL is not long in coming. «The secretary of Uil Bombardieri would do well to count to a hundred before speaking of the CISL. From him serious and raving statements that we return to the sender», says Sbarra.

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July 3, 2023 (change July 3, 2023 | 10:00 PM)


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