we need a government with very broad shoulders. Me at the Farnesina? I can do anything – Corriere.it

we need a government with very broad shoulders.  Me at the Farnesina?  I can do anything - Corriere.it


from Marco Galluzzo

“The budget gap must be avoided at all costs. Yes to fiscal peace and the superbonus can go from 110% to 80%

Antonio Tajani you say that you have not yet talked about names, but you cannot deny that some technical figures, for example Panetta or Siniscalco, have already been considered.

“We have to create a high-profile government, the situation in Italy is very difficult and we have to face unprecedented economic and energy challenges. Plus we have a war at the door. Of course we need a government with very broad shoulders and if we need a non-politician, a so-called technician, he will be welcome. In the first place, however, we must put the national interest, the vision of Italy in the future ».

So does a technician confirm to Mef?

“Look, it will still be a political government, and it will be the candidate for premier and the president of the Republic, especially for some ministries, who will share the choice of a team of competent people. We have many national resources, but at the moment it is premature to name names. Not only because they must not be burned, but because they are arguments that must be pondered. And the choice of people in some key roles will have to serve not only to govern but also to give clear signals at the international level, reassuring signals in the first place, to allies and markets ».

The Budget Law. According to some estimates, you need to find at least 40 billion. How will you do it?

«The deviation must be the last resort, we must avoid it at all costs. You can make cuts, the super bonus can go from 110 to 80%, it would be a nice saving. It served to restart construction and all related sectors, but it can be lowered. From a fiscal peace that the Italians are waiting for, up to 40 or 50 billion can be collected ”.

Do you also foresee savings on citizenship income?

«The philosophy must be to give money to those who are truly entitled to it, social policy is a serious matter. Certainly we need to put stricter stakes. The other thing that can be done immediately is to de-tax everything that is not salary, for example production bonuses: it would not cause any damage to the state and it would increase purchasing power. You can only defeat the debt with growth, and I believe that the ECB has done wrong to raise rates, there is a risk of recession ”.

Will you give a Chamber to the opposition?

«The leaders will decide, but there is no constitutional precept that suggests it. But then what opposition? There are three or four: Berlusconi, Salvini and Meloni will make a decision ».

Will there be two vice premieres at Palazzo Chigi?

“This too is premature, everything must be aimed at the governability of the country, not at the logic of the armchairs. There is still a month left for the possible oath. Surely there must be a balance between Forza Italia and the Lega, we have the same consensus ».

Are you foreign minister?

«I can do anything, I have done everything in my life, I will do what is useful, in the interest of the country. And with Meloni I deliberately did not want to mention names, Berlusconi will make the names in the end. Certainly this government will not change foreign policy, relations with Washington, Brussels and NATO will remain strategic ».

What does high-profile government mean?

“It means that a minister must be competent, but also determined, with experience, with political sensitivity, so many qualities are needed, it’s not just a question of famous names”.

September 30, 2022 (change September 30, 2022 | 07:29)


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