The American anxiety of Giorgia Meloni after the words of Joe Biden

The American anxiety of Giorgia Meloni after the words of Joe Biden


The statements of the president of the United States fall on a silent Meloni, at work, aware that everything is at stake in the United States and of the fragile transatlantic friendship that characterizes her politics

Because she seriously believes that America is the key to everything, even to the European game, because she knows that US hedge funds have bought millions of Italian government bonds, and since Giorgia Meloni has long been thinking and theorizing that Italy can find its political space in Europe by triangulating with the United States and thus making its way between France and Germany with which you have few relations for now, here is that fatally every sigh, every American gust, every whisper from overseas falls on her with the force of a hurricane and forces her to pay attention, to interpret commas, as they say.

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