“We are under siege.” On Santanchè and Delmastro, Meloni throws the affront to the prosecutors

"We are under siege."  On Santanchè and Delmastro, Meloni throws the affront to the prosecutors


It was supposed to be the day of the defense of the Minister of Tourism, which however no one in FdI defends to the end. Instead, the undersecretary of Justice, who was indicted in the Cospito case, broke out. And the prime minister, after a meeting at Palazzo Chigi, issues a note in which she accuses the judiciary. When in troublecome on conspiracy

Early in the morning, Francesco Lollobrigida uses irony: “We are a government of believers. If one is a saint, she must be defended ”. And she seems closed there. If it weren’t for that if that in the statement of the Minister of Agriculture should be understood for what it appears, in the mouth of the Northern League immediately takes on a clear doubtful connotation. “La Santanchè? It depends on Meloni’s decisions, and on how much Daniela will be able to resist, because unfortunately in this story the power of attorney gives her the cards ”, observes the deputy secretary of the Carroccio, Andrea Crippa. There would be enough to darken the mood of the premier. And instead the day that had opened with an unknown factor to solve ends up producing two troublesome ones. After Santanchè, Andrea Delmastro. And so also Giovanni Donzelli’s bold words remain a little choked in the throat.

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