Valditara-Savino case, Floridia (M5s): “Inadequate minister, why did he feel so stung to the core?”

Valditara-Savino case, Floridia (M5s): "Inadequate minister, why did he feel so stung to the core?"


Former undersecretary of education, professor before becoming a parliamentarian, the group leader of the 5 Stars in the Senate Barbara Florida yesterday she intervened in the courtroom to say that “what Valditara did is inadmissible”.

Should he resign in your opinion?
“In the meantime, we expect him to come to the classroom and then we will evaluate what to do, it is not the first time he has proved himself inadequate for that role. First of all for the cuts that have been made to the school, 4 billion euros, with him as minister. For the fact that with this government we no longer think about citizenship and environmental education. In the Senate in the competent commission there is no measure of weight on the school, the first systemic plan in Europe ‘RiGenerazione Scuola’, for the ecological transition of the Italian schools, has been abandoned”.

Anyway, once in the classroom, what should Valditara say?
“Apologize for calling the principal’s words inadequate. And immediately withdraw the suggestion of taking action.”

Should he not do so, as M5S will you cope with the rest of the opposition in proposing no confidence?
“We are open to any coordinated action aimed at having an adequate minister. Certainly now we cannot afford to bypass Parliament”.

If we hypothesize punishments for a principal who recalls the value of anti-fascism, can we deduce that Valditara is a neo-fascist?
“In the meantime, if he were to proceed against the principal, it would turn out that he has nothing to do with the school, that he doesn’t know the job of educators. Everyone should read that letter and obviously one wonders: why did the minister feel so stung ?”.

Edith Bruck: “Democracy should be taught right at school: that minister resigns”

by Raffaella De Santis

Can a principal write that letter? Do you have this ability?
“Of course it can, it’s not the first time that school principals and teachers have written to the students of their school to give a key to understanding the present. We do this at school, we use the lens of history to explain what is happening today. The president made a commendable gesture.”

And would punishing or retaliating her be technically possible?
“If you wanted to, you could do it, but it wouldn’t be easy to justify. What mistakes would the principal have made?”

Did you happen to hear it?
“Today (yesterday, ed) I tried to call her at school, even simply to talk to her from school woman to school woman”.

Had it happened to her teacher to be so reprimanded by a minister?
“I would have mortified myself but without giving up an inch, in class with the students we can handle it”.

Meanwhile, Meloni is silent, first about the aggression against the students and now about this. Why?
“Evidently she is embarrassed. Perhaps because the attackers are part of Student Action which is a movement close to her party. But having to comment would embarrass her even more”.


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