«Using foreign words is radical chic snobbery»- Corriere.it

«Using foreign words is radical chic snobbery»- Corriere.it


Of Political editorial staff

The idea of ​​including Italian in the Constitution has been relaunched. «In Italy there is no public authority like, in France, the Académie française and the Conseil international, or in Spain the Real academia espanola

The protection of the Italian language in the Constitution. Gennaro Sangiuliano, Minister of Culture, relaunched the idea, already at the center of recent discussions starting from the bills presented by the deputy Fabio Rampelli of FdI: «The consecration of the national language is in many Constitutions, of most of the countries not only Europeans, as Federico Guiglia (journalist and writer, ed). So it is a question of being consistent with other major European and Western nations, and President Meloni has already presented a proposal to this effect. Then, of course, the reform must be harmonized with the framework of reforms Minister Casellati is working on».

Interviewed by MessengerSangiuliano said: «Language is the soul of our nation, the hallmark of its identity. Last century distinguished scholars of the caliber of Croce, Gentile, Volpe argued for a long time on the fact that Italy was born long before its statutory and unitary consecration. Italy was born around what was defined as Dante’s language. In Italy there is no public authority with juridical powers such as, for example, the Académie française and the Conseil international in France, or the Real academia espanola in Spain. We have, it is true, a very prestigious institution such as the Accademia della Crusca, founded in 1583, authoritative but without legal instruments».

For the minister, the improper use of foreign words contains a snobbish attitude. «I believe that a certain abuse of English-speaking terms belongs to a certain snobbery, very radical chic», she said, «which often arises from a lack of awareness of the global value of Italian culture. And also of his language, which instead is full of different words and nuances. Valuing and promoting our language does not mean ignoring the world around us. In other words, it does not mean in any way that in a globalized world we should not study and learn other languages ​​well, starting with English, as Tullio De Mauro said, multilingualism helps us to manage the complexity of the present. This is not about promoting a rearguard battle but only if you are firmly in your roots can you better open up to the world”.

December 29, 2022 (change December 29, 2022 | 17:41)


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