Urso tries to steal the Energy from Pichetto: Meloni wants to centralize everything

Urso tries to steal the Energy from Pichetto: Meloni wants to centralize everything


The first assault took place at the beginning of the month. When Adolfo Urso, in agreement with Palazzo Chigi, tried to bring the energy proxies back under his ministry in Via Veneto. But on that occasion, the force member Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, owner of the Environment, held out. “They stay with me”. The vehicle was the ministerial decree, the one that assigned the powers to the various ministries. The first round was consummated on that occasion. Except that Urso, a loyalist of Giorgia Meloni, does not seem to have resigned. And he would like to try to claim for himself the powers in the field of authorizations related to energy issues. Both when there is a work to be unblocked and when a company is faced with stranded practices. This time at the former Mise they were thinking of an amendment to be presented with the ministerial decree. But Pichetto noticed it: “The electoral agreements must be respected,” he informs Il Foglio.

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