Thus Tajani’s veto complicates the appointment of Di Maio as EU envoy in the Gulf

Thus Tajani's veto complicates the appointment of Di Maio as EU envoy in the Gulf


“Nothing personal, but Luigi Di Maio is not the proposal of our government, but of the previous one”. Antonio Tajani has been repeating it for days in public, but also in Brussels where the decision will be made. The hypothesis that his predecessor at the Farnesina is appointed special representative of the EU in the Persian Gulf really does not go down well with the Foreign Minister and deputy prime minister of Forza Italia. In addition to the declarations, however, there is an underground work that is going on to ensure that the former head of the M5s jumps. The very complex mechanism is ready to go in a few days. And Tajani’s contrary position puts the Meloni government at a crossroads: is it better for Italy to have its own representative in a strategic corner of the world for whatever energy issue or is it better to focus on a man from another country?

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