Truss hopes to save himself by sacrificing Kwarteng and the tax cut (which he will now have to raise)

Truss hopes to save himself by sacrificing Kwarteng and the tax cut (which he will now have to raise)


In the nine-minute press conference, British Prime Minister Liz Truss replaced her Chancellor of the Exchequer, he threw away another piece of his financial maneuver (reconfirming the increase in corporate taxes planned for next year and introduced by the previous government, i.e .: Truss doesn’t lower taxes, it raises them), he said he will remain as a leader to ensure stability and growth for the UK. At each fierce question from the reporters – four in all with variations of the theme: with what credibility do you think you can lead the country? – Truss repeated in her robotic tone: I will make the UK grow, with low taxes. After just nine minutes of all the same answers, the premier left the room and immediately began the complaints of the conservatives: we are in worse shape than before.

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