It is possible to criticize Lorenzo Fontana, but not to satanize

It is possible to criticize Lorenzo Fontana, but not to satanize


In a country that had not completely lost, even in the secular and progressive soi disant part, the ability to separate cultural criticism and political battles from the satanization of the enemy, the best way to manifest disagreement with the person of Lorenzo Fontana and with his election as President of the Chamber it would be the one used in 2019 by Giuseppe Cruciani (not Padre Pio) at the World Congress of Families organized in Verona by Fontana himself. In front of an audience between the Lefebvrian and the QAnonist, besieged on the outside by screaming witch hunters, Cruciani was Pannellian: “I’m not one of you, I don’t have a traditional family. I have fought for years for things that you oppose: same-sex marriage, divorce and abortion (but that’s a thing of the past) even the rented uterus. But I feel like one of you today because many would like to turn off this microphone from which I am speaking ”. Delegitimating, as if it were a violation of democracy, the election of a president of deputies on the basis of his political convictions – and religious: who are equally protected by the Constitution – it is wrong and illiberal. And also tactically a loser, if he offers Salvini the chance to say: “I’m sorry that someone sees his being a Catholic as a problem”.

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