Training, a loan of 5 million on digital and green arrives in the tertiary sector

Training, a loan of 5 million on digital and green arrives in the tertiary sector


In the tertiary sector there are new opportunities for funding for training. With the second edition of Fondo Nuove Competenze, companies will be able to promote the training of their employees by reducing working hours. In this second edition, the Interprofessional Funds for Continuing Education become decisive, through the voluntary adherence to the Notice issued by Anpal for the financing of training courses for the workers of the companies that will obtain the contribution from the Agency. A
contribution which provides for the reimbursement of labor costs and social security contributions for the hours dedicated to training.

Digital and green skills

«It is an interesting intervention, above all to bring companies closer to continuous training, considering the European data on investment in continuous training, which see our country certainly not in the first places – explains Eleonora Pisicchio Director of the For.Te Fund. – and equally interesting is the decision to insist on digital and green skills, two central objectives to contribute to overcoming the mismatch between the skills offered and the skills required on the labor market”. For.Te. has adhered to the expression of interest sent by Anpal and until 28 February 2023, companies will be able to submit their request for funding through the Fund’s IT system. In addition, the Board of Directors of For.Te. has also issued a dedicated Notice which, in line with the strategy that characterizes the Fund, takes into account the different needs of member companies, mainly based on their characteristics and size.

The notice

The notice allocates 5 million euros and contains two precise lines of action: the first is addressed to the companies holding the Individual Company Accounts and involved in the Group Accounts, which will be able to draw on the accumulated resources and the maturing. The second, on the other hand, is aimed at other companies, for which, in fact, 5 million euros have been allocated.


To join, the interested companies can send the application to participate through the MyAnpal platform until 28 February 2023, but they must have signed agreements for the remodulation of working hours, aimed at the creation, in 2023, of training courses to increase professionalism on the themes of digital and ecology. Among the topics of the training courses that can be financed there are digital skills with reference to the European framework “DigComp 2.1”, specialist digital skills with reference to the European classification, the e-Competence Framework 3.0, skills relating to the ecological transition with reference to the ESCO classification (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations).


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