Thus Btp and insurance companies entered into competition on savings

Thus Btp and insurance companies entered into competition on savings


The Eurovita crisis could become the tip of the iceberg of malaise in the insurance world, which suffers from the increase in interest rates. Unless supply improves as the government seeks to internalize debt

Perhaps the Minister of Enterprises was a little too optimistic Adolfo Urso in saying monday that the solution for the Eurovita crisis “it is expected by the hour”. In reality, the five companies involved in the rescue (Intesa Vita, Poste Vita, Generali, Unipol and Allianz) are still sitting around the table with the extraordinary commissioner and IVASS to define the details of the capital increase necessary in the absence of a Guarantee fund. And, as it turns out, it would not be about details. However, we are in the final squeeze and it doesn’t take long to understand why attention is also raised on this case by the governmentAt stake are not only the life policies of 350,000 customers (who are seeing the freeze on surrenders extended until September), but the reputation of the entire sector which directly interfaces with savings.

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