A fiscal delegation to be taken seriously

A fiscal delegation to be taken seriously


The study phase of the tax delegation ends today with the presentation of the latest amendments in committee. And the calendar dictates the priorities, because these are also the last few days to ensure that the path of the delegation can be virtuously intertwined with that of the next maneuver. According to Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo, the delegation will be approved by the end of the summer and from January it will be possible to start seeing the implementing decrees. From the confusing electoral campaigns in the name of the unusual and impossible flat tax to the recent and extremely slippery reference to the “state lace” there is only ground to recover. The more the government abandons these expressions (as for the state protection money, Schlein is right about this and only about this: simply ridiculous phrases) and also the vision of the taxman that the old populisms carry with them, the better it will be. And the news coming from the commission gives some positive indications. There is not only the highlight, with the reduction of tax rates and the start of a very gradual reduction of their weight together with the cancellation of the IRES and the adoption of a tax system that encourages productive investments. There are proposals to raise the cap to apply single-rate taxation to professionals, and this will be an issue of political confrontation. But the hand could be won by the liberals if the advantages offered to VAT numbers are accompanied by equal attention to employee income, as, it must be recognized, the government has already begun to do with the cut in the contribution wedge. There is the intention to make collection activity more favorable to the taxpayer, for example with the payment in six installments of the very heavy November appointment with the Treasury. And, even a minister like Carlo Nordio says it, much simplification is still needed, otherwise “even for the most honest of entrepreneurs, eager to pay every last cent and with an army of accountants at their disposal, one would always end up finding some tax violation”.

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