Those unthinkable meetings of Calenda with the grillini and Fratoianni’s loyalists on the minimum wage

Those unthinkable meetings of Calenda with the grillini and Fratoianni's loyalists on the minimum wage


At the same table, the leader of Action with the former minister Nunzia Catalfo, the delegates of the Greens and the Left, the Bersanians Guerra and Scotto. At work, they try to build the center-left that will come, but with many unknowns. The proposal of 9 euros gross per hour and doubts about the details. Objective: to find an agreement for July

The proposal, in itself, will be worth more as a testimony of a will. And therefore more than the details of the bill on the minimum wage that is being defined, everything counts as a political fact, and perhaps more than a political one, a human one. Because last Tuesday, when the meeting began on the second floor of the Deputies, a barrier came down. Carlo Calenda has decided to speak with Arturo Scotto and Nunzia Catalfo. And only those who do not remember the clarity of the judgments that the leader of Action has expressed over the years regarding – and usually against – “the compagnucci of the left” and “the lunatic grillini” can fail to understand the extent of the event. There, at that table, the delegation instead represented “the centre-left that will have to be”, as Elly Schlein says, which is perhaps what Enrico Letta too “should have been”, before everything fell into a maelstrom of misunderstandings and narcissism.

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