The virtue lies in medium-sized enterprises

The virtue lies in medium-sized enterprises


Despite the difficulty of the ruling classes in tuning in to the needs and prospects of the country, Italy is going ahead, and well: thanks to the many who operate away from the spotlight. Medium-sized enterprises, the third sector, families are the pillars of the country open to the world and to the future. But they don’t have a leader yet

The first thing to underline, wanting to deal with the state of health of the country, is that in the end even the most recent political events of an international nature demonstrate how Italy’s true strength lies in behaving “compulsorily” like an open economy. For the geographical characteristics, for the establishment in the European Community, for the role of the single currency, for the functioning mechanism of the business system, openness is our destiny. Trying to reverse this trend leads us to recall the old adage that says: you can’t stop the wind with your hands. Then one could, and rightly so, object that the Italian ruling classes themselves are not fully aware of it by cultivating an umbilical vocation for them, which leads them to exaggerate the small events of our house (the social media controversies) and instead to underestimate the contextual elements international. This has also been seen recently in the economic news: Croatia has decided to join the euro and we, who should have rejoiced, for the confirmation of the attractiveness of the currency, for the proximity of the two countries, for the overtaking that we have carried out in the last year, becoming Zagreb’s first trading partner to the detriment of Germany (with more exports than imports), instead we have effectively ignored the event. We have declassified it, institutional attention has been low and our newspapers have talked about it little and with difficulty.

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