The (useless) political debate on via Rasella. Galli della Loggia clears the fog

The (useless) political debate on via Rasella.  Galli della Loggia clears the fog


The failed strategic objective, the responsibility of the Gap, the theory of insurrection not shared in the CNL. 79 years of short-sighted and partial visions: but today a precise judgment can be given, far from minimizing and claiming

There is the “institutional grammar”, if it is really possible to dilute La Russa’s blunder in Meloni’s euphemism. And there is a historical and political grammar that concerns via Rasella. The grammar that for 79 years, despite the fact that the story and context have been established, forces Italians into two short-sighted and partial visions. The first from those who condemn the Gap attack, organized and claimed by the Communist Party, as a useless massacre. The second supported for decades by the more or less official historiography-hagiography of the partisan struggle, which makes the attack of March 23, 1944 one of the most symbolic figures of the War of Liberation. Of via Rasella, Giuliano Ferrara wrote yesterday, “everything that can be known is known, and the rest is the fog of war”, because “in wars for gangs, or civil wars, the uncertainties and tragedies of power are manifested” . Historians, even when they have maintained opposing points of view, have now cleared that fog of war, is the opinion of Ernesto Galli della Loggia: a precise judgment can be given of via Rasella, distant both from minimization and from claiming. “Via Rasella was a typical example of the strategy ‘the word to arms’ adopted by the Communist Party since 8 September: to create the conditions to arrive at a general armed insurrection”.

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