Mattarella’s annoyance: “I’m not the leader of the opposition”. And the government swerves on the Pnrr

Mattarella's annoyance: "I'm not the leader of the opposition".  And the government swerves on the Pnrr


“I’m not the leader of the opposition.” The phrase, however obvious, given that Sergio Mattarella is reiterating it in these hours with a hint of annoyance, however, tells from a privileged point of view what is happening to the government grappling with the Pnrr. To the delays of the Meloni executive with a frozen tranche (“but I didn’t write the plan”), now there are also the distinctions of Matteo Salvini’s League which “invites us to face reality”. And that is to consider “giving up a part of the funds if it is not possible to invest them in necessary projects, avoiding waste and debt of the Italians”, as the group leader in the Chamber Riccardo Molinari says. However, finding the wall of Meloni and his gods. In addition to the controversy of the opposition. And in this chaos, up there, is the head of state.

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