The strange crossing of the Holy Family

The strange crossing of the Holy Family


NoonNovember 11, 2022 – 08:16

from Fortunato Cerlino

…toOn the contrary, an angel of the Lord accumulated Peppino and told him …

The Christian, still a little stunned from the previous night, reluctantly opened his eyes … «Neither but what happened?».

“Scetate Peppì!” Insisted the angel. When the man recognized Gabriel he frowned. «Ah, it’s you …».

«Embè? You accussì you welcome me? ».

“Jamme, say what you want to say.”

«Guaglió!». He indisposed the angel. “Be respectful!”

«Gabriè, every time we care to do with you I know nothing but trouble!».

“If it weren’t that ‘o my masto ordered me to come here, I had gladly done it’ and my business, did you understand, brother to me?”.

“Jamme, nun fa ” or touchy, speak!”.

“But you look at this! …” The angel then tried to appease his anger. «The order is as follows: take your wife and ‘o creature and flee to Italy, otherwise the second advent of the Messiah will not be fulfilled …».

P.Andppino, as if bitten by a poisonous snake, began to curse … «I ‘o I knew! I told you that you bring only trouble! ».

“What I wanted to tell you, I told you, now it’s up to you.” The angel started to go.

«Wait, addó vaje? Let me understand the situation better ».

“It seems to me that I have been clear, or not?”

“But how am I going to get there in Italy?” Mica keep ‘e scelle comme you? ‘O sape chesto’ or masto tuojo? ».

“You go there as many of your fellow villagers do in this period …”.

Peppino frowned. “I have not understood…”.

“With a Peppì boat, a rubber dinghy, a fishing boat, you do it.”

“These are the provisions, period.”

Peppino jumped to his feet livid with rage. «Ué ue! But you had fallen cu ‘a capa’ nterra you and ‘o masto your? But do you think I cu nu creaturo just born and ‘na mugliera who gave birth yesterday I set out on a boat to Italy? ».

The angel spread his arms. “This is ‘or will’ and God.”

«But we don’t really talk about it! I’m not moving from here. He might as well come to the end of dô munno this time it is as I say! ».

Gabriel, amazed by the man’s reaction and considering the fact that he certainly could not return to God empty-handed, became more condescending. «Dear Peppino, perhaps you do not realize that we are talking about the second advent of the Messiah. You cannot refuse to carry out the will of the Lord, the salvation of all humanity is at stake! Among other things, I want to make you a confidence, but stay between us. In this round, salvation is of interest to the Western world. You really have to go to Italy ».

“But hear me one thing … but if the Lord was so keen to save humanity, especially the Western world as you confided to me, but the Savior did not give him birth directly in Rome or Naples, or better still in New York or in Germany? ‘

«The designs of the Lord are inscrutable!».

«I’m sorry but this round ‘o masto your had to organize better, especially since the one who risks is me with my family. But do you read the newspapers? Did you know that in Italy they hold the right in the government again? That in these days many migrants did not even want to get them off the ships? No, if your boss is not up-to-date on contemporary politics, we risk that I, my wife is or creature, will become fish feed, other than the second advent! ».

«You underestimate the omniscence of the Lord your God. I am sure that he will be able to inspire the Italian rulers to make him do the right thing. They certainly cannot send back to the Holy Family, or not? ».

Peppino looked at Gabriele disheartened. “It wouldn’t be the first time that communications between ‘o masto tua and humanity have suffered a little bit of interference. Here the air has changed my friend. ‘O munno has arrevotato n’ata vota. ‘People are pissed off and afraid and don’t want to know anything about migrants and shipwrecked people. This is a period that everyone thinks first of them and a little bit of others. If I really have to put myself and my family at risk, I want guarantees that ‘na vota arrived in Italy, admitted and not granted that we get there,’ or the Italian government not only makes us disembark, but also gives us a minimum of assistance, hospitality. . Tell us to your masto that if he really cares about salvation, he would make a change of scenery, prepare the hearts of the Italians for our arrival ».

Gabriele folded his wings and sat down next to Peppino, took his head in his hands. «What must I tell you Peppì, you are not wrong. But I can’t even go back to the Lord and tell him that you don’t intend to leave. Let’s do it like this, I’ll wait here with you, and as soon as we understand what turn is the history of migrants in Italy, we decide what is best to do, okay? ».

November 11, 2022 | 08:16



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