The Soumahoro case and the great silence of the pure

The Soumahoro case and the great silence of the pure


Saviano, Bonelli, Fratoianni and the others. Worse than the defense of the former immaculate hero of the left is only the silent hypocrisy of his fellow travelers

Was subjected to some kind of “Valditara treatment”: the public humiliation to get the ransom, even if with grotesque results. At a certain point Antonio Padellaroin the confrontation with PiazzaPulita in which the laborers in the slums were spoken of, asked him: “Why are they living in these unworthy conditions in 2022? Is it possible that in a civilized country there are people who live like animals? She didn’t change things!” With Soumahoro, almost accused of being responsible for the existence of the illegal hiring, having difficulty answering. A scene that resembled that of Massimo Troisi which defends itself from the intemperate post-earthquake of Pertini on where the funds for Belice had gone: “Dad, is the president angry with us? But did we take the Belice’s money?”.

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