Political polls, Fdi slows down and drops below 30%. The M5 consolidates its overtaking of the Democratic Party

Political polls, Fdi slows down and drops below 30%.  The M5 consolidates its overtaking of the Democratic Party


Confirmed the overtaking of 5 Star Movement on Democratic party, recorded for the first time last week. And a slight slowdown in the growth (however persistent) of Fratelli d’Italia, which reached 30% according to some institutes, and which now stands at 29.2% (+0.1%). Here are the latest news from the latest Supermedia Agi/Youtrend. According to the data of the latest SWG survey of Monday 21 November, FdI would be at 30.4%. A third dynamic instead concerns the group of medium parties, which seems to be “shelling”: again for the Supermedia Agi/Youtrend the League at 8.7 (+0.3) has just under a point ahead of the Third Pole at 7, 8% (-0.2), which in turn maintains the same advantage over Forza Italia which reaches 6.9% (+0.3). On the other hand, no significant changes were recorded for the minor lists.

Supermedia Lists

FdI 29.2 (+0.1)

M5S 17.4 (+0.5)

Pd 16.8 (-0.1)

Alloy 8.7 (+0.3)

Third Pole 7.8 (-0.2)

Forza Italia 6.9 (+0.3)

Greens/Left 3.7 (-0.1)

+Europe 2.5 (-0.2)

Italexit 2.3 (-0.1)

Popular Union 1.6 (-0.1)

We Moderates 1.0 (-0.1)

Supermedia coalitions 2022

Centre-right 45.7 (+0.8) Centre-left 23.6 (+0.2) M5S 17.4 (+0.5) Third Pole 7.8 (-0.2) Italexit 2.3 (-0.1 ) Other 3.2 (-1.2) The changes in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia two weeks ago (November 10, 2022).
NOTE: Supermedia YouTrend/Agi is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out between November 10 and 23, was carried out on November 24 on the basis of sample size, the date of creation and the data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Demopolis (date of publication: November 23rd), Demos (November 12th), EMG (November 21st), Euromedia (November 17th), Noto (November 10th), Piepoli (November 11th), SWG ( 14 and 21 November) and Tecne’ (12 and 19 November).


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