the rule on the role of the has been withdrawn

the rule on the role of the has been withdrawn


Of Monica Guerzoni

The chaotic press conference with overlapping voices after the Council of Ministers in Cutro

Claiming the hard line and, at the same time, inviting the family members of the 72 victims of the shipwreck to Palazzo Chigi, as a sign of solidarity and closeness. Also in Cutro, on the day of the government away to the places of the massacre of February 26, Giorgia Meloni moved in search of a difficult balance.

From the solemn moment of the plaque with the Pope’s quote, up to the (tense) press conference following the Council of Ministers, the premier tried to keep together the expectations of an electoral base historically not inclined to welcome migrants and the strong emotion that the tragedy in the Ionian Sea has caused in public opinion. A position that has reinvigorated the hidden challenge with Matteo Salvini for primacy on an issue, the migration issue, which is becoming a pillar of government action.

The photos of the day tell the story a close team
but the cards, the words and the mimicry of the protagonists reveal how much voltage accompanied the drafting of the decree which increases the penalties for smugglers and criminal organizations. The tug of war on the rules of Salvini’s security decrees, which the League wanted to include and the Brothers of Italy managed to keep out of the text, which lasted until the last minute.

The pre-meeting which was to be held on Wednesday afternoon was postponed to yesterday morning and in that venue there was another incident which reveals the internal fibrillations. Article 10 of the decree the Defense attempted the blitz with a rule that, by strengthening the duties of the navy on maritime surveillance, it would have given an important role to the commanders of warships. Salvini, fearing a downsizing of the coast guard, insurgent and other ministers also protested with the undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano, who coordinated the negotiations for the drafting of the decree. Finch Guido Crosetti he asked for the provision to be removed and the prime minister, replying to journalists, acknowledged that the proposal had been made by the defense ministry and not by the founder of Fratelli d’Italia.

The go-ahead unanimously offered outside
the image of a reunited government, but the tension, thanks to the very delicate game of appointments in investee companies, does not seem to have subsided. This is confirmed by Silvio Berlusconi’s first remote comment, who put on paper what the majority think and what the new provisionas far as it goes in the right direction, it may not possibly be decisive. Words that clash with Meloni’s emphasis on promising, on live TV, that his executive will look for smugglers throughout the globe.

The challenge to whoever raises the bar the most on the line of firmness. The premier’s warning is already in the premise: If anyone thinks that the events of February 26 have led me to change my line, they are very wrong. The leader of Forza Italia on Instagram claims to have almost eliminated the arrivals of migrants in Italy when he was at Palazzo Chigi and Salvini tries to get on the top step of the podium: In 2019 the minimum number of dead and missing was recorded and, coincidentally, he was at the Viminale and Piantedosi was head of the Cabinet. The leader of the League is disappointed because very little of his requests entered the final text, yet he makes the best of it and mentions the premier three times, affectionately calling her Giorgia.

Game of order and composure,
the press conference ends in chaos. Journalists excluded from the list of five questions ask them anyway, raising their voices to be heard by the premier. Why didn’t the rescuers get in motion? Who has the 72 dead migrants on their conscience? Meloni, in a sharp tone, rejects the suspicion that the government has turned the other way and asks journalists to correct some of the headlines of these days. The arduous task of trying to restore calm falls to the new head of the Palazzo Chigi press office, Mario Sechi: Sorry guys, it’s not a debate, it’s not like that, it’s not professional… Silence, thanks!.

March 10, 2023 (change March 10, 2023 | 07:02)


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