Meloni da Cutro’s press conference becomes a rave. And Salvini rejoices

Meloni da Cutro's press conference becomes a rave.  And Salvini rejoices


Question and answer between journalists and the premier. She announces that she will invite the families of the victims to Palazzo Chigi, but flounders in reconstructing the dynamics of the shipwreck. Finally in the decree passes the line of the leader of the League (including the anti-Soumahoro norm)

Cutro, from our correspondent. Saw it was there too Matteo Piantedosi, the interior minister could have applied the anti-rave decree. Why the press conference of Giorgia Meloni (with five ministers plus the undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano) turned into a mess. With the prime minister targeted by questions from Calabrian reporters in an up and down of accusations, justifications, shouts, repartee, eyes wide open, emotion. Scenes never seen. With the private secretary of the prime minister, Patricia Scurti, who shouts at the new head of the press office Mario Sechi: “Mario, stop the journalists!”. Skip everything, here in the cloister of the municipality of Cutro, nine thousand souls, armored beyond belief, with the shops closed by prefectural ordinance. “The last time we saw all these sirens was when the bosses were arrested in an operation by the ‘Ndrangheta, but there weren’t that many,” says Giuseppina, a resident with a window in the front row in front of the town hall.

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