The opposition rejects the Work decree: “A precariousness decree”. Openings on the wedge by the unions

The opposition rejects the Work decree: "A precariousness decree".  Openings on the wedge by the unions


The leaders of Pd and M5s against the measure launched yesterday by the Meloni government. CGIL and UIL criticize the timing of the decree. Meloni-Landini controversy

But which “work decree”? The government’s decree is a “Pecarietà decree”. This is the line of the opposition which, since M5s by Giuseppe Conte al Pd by Elly Schlein, criticizes the measures approved yesterday, May 1st, by the CDM.

The rejection of the Pd

“The so-called work decree that the government wants to pass today it is actually a decree of poverty and precariousness“, said the national secretary of the Democratic Party, who participated in the May Day demonstration organized by the CGIL in Portella della Ginestra. “It’s not the right direction. We must move towards decent, quality, more stable and well-paid work. It is not possible that digital work is not yet protected. Labor inspectors must be strengthened”.

The criticisms of the M5s

With the executive provision, according to the grillino leader, “there will certainly be an increase in fixed-term contracts that we had stemmed and opposed with the Dignity decree”. Even the grillino leader rejects the executive’s work decree with a video message posted on his social networks. “I say one thing: today – May 1 – a serious government should have met for an essential rule: the minimum wage. I ask the premier and the ministers who met today to reconnect with reality. According to Istat the basic income saved about one million people during the pandemic”. Initiatives such as the cut to the basic income, then, “are wicked decisions, which prepare for a social disaster”, warns Conte. “Support is being cut while inflation bites and a new increase in bills is expected in the autumn”, he points out. And he launches a mobilization: “Let’s meet in June to demonstrate against this government, against the dismantling of income, against the precarious decreein favor of the minimum wage. We work for a better country,” Conte said.

Turning to relations with the Democratic Party, which has changed leadership in the meantime, the leader of the Cinquestelle reveals: “There is a dialogue with Schlein”. “On some issues, such as the minimum wage, Schlein’s sensitivities may be compatible with ours.” But “on others”, he specifies, “we travel on different tracks: from the war to the question of the incinerator”.

The clash with the trade unions is (in part) included

Giorgia Meloni collects a first opening to the measures on the tax wedge by CGIL, CISL and UIL, albeit with different nuances. After an initial moment of strong opposition, during the meeting the prime minister changes her tone, seeking a more dialogical confrontation with her interlocutors. To the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landiniwho had criticized it together with that of Uil Pier Paolo Bombardieri for having convened the CDM on Workers’ Day with the aim of wanting to obscure the traditional union rallies, the premier replied: “A CDM on May 1st to cut the cost of labor is not a lack of respect. It’s a signal and I would have expected a ‘well done’. It was a way of saying ‘we are here and we are all here’, an outstretched hand, an attempt to dialogue and work together, because I think we are in agreement on cutting the tax wedge”. Luigi Sbarra avoids direct controversy and opens up more clearly to the dialogue hoped for by Palazzo Chigi: “I consider tonight’s meeting really important and useful, if it really succeeds in determining a new path of social dialogue, discussion and sharing”, said the CISL leader, leaving Palazzo Chigi. A gap that breaks the initial compactness of the three confederal trade unions. Also on the merits, with Sbarra suspending the judgment and Bombardieri no longer speaking of a total rejection of the measures. The closure of Landini remains, for which there is still every reason for a mobilisation against the overall executive package.


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