Sequence plan Meloni. The spot on the Work decree

Sequence plan Meloni.  The spot on the Work decree


The premier illustrates the measures of the “May 1 decree” in three minutes as she walks through the rooms of Palazzo Chigi before the CDM

Giorgia Meloni as Iñárritu? With a sequence shot worthy of “Birdman”, the prime minister illustrates the measures of the Labor decree approved yesterday, May 1, with a three-minute spot. “On Labor Day, the government chooses to work and give answers to those who legitimately aspire to change their position and we do it with a series of articulated measures, the most important of all is the cut in taxes on labour”, says Meloni, as he crosses the rooms of Palazzo Chigi before the CDM. “We have freed up a four billion treasury thanks to the courage of some measures we had carried out and today we are allocating it to the most important tax cut in recent decades. We cut the wedge by four points and this adds up to what we had already done in law budget. We have a cut of six percentage points for those with incomes of up to 35,000 euros and seven points for incomes of up to 25,000 euros. It is a choice of which I am deeply proud”, Meloni underlined before joining the Council for begin work with his ministers.


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