The next test on the government’s energy populism is in Manfredonia

The next test on the government's energy populism is in Manfredonia


Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia have expressed their opposition to the LPG depot that Energas has wanted to build for 25 years in the Foggia area. Now the Council of Ministers is called to give the green light to the project

In the next Council of Ministers, the government will discuss the Energas project for a LPG depot in Manfredonia, in the province of Foggia. It is an 80 million euro investment, presented in 1996. Twenty-five years of bureaucratic process to obtain all the favorable technical opinions, and overcome all the appeals to the TAR, the Council of State and the European Commission. What is still missing is political will. And it does not help the fact that it must be carried out precisely in the region of the “no” to the drills, the regasification terminal and the Tap.

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